We are Veterans Community Project (VCP), a team of connectors, feelers, and doers on a mission to help our kin, our kind. We move with swift, bold action, motivated by the sacred rule of leave no one behind.
We believe that a Veteran is anyone who raised a right hand and took the oath to protect our Constitution, regardless of discharge status or type of service. We are ready and willing to respond with compassion to any brother or sister in need.
about VCP.
Established in Kansas City, Missouri, by a group of combat Veterans, Veterans Community Project provides high quality and well-developed strategic services that enable Veterans to meet the challenges of day-to-day living, resolve immediate crises, and move towards permanent stability.
VCP’s solution is simple: provide Veterans a home of their own and individualized, wraparound support services that not only help get them back on their feet but ensure they continue standing.
The tiny homes in VCP Village offer Veterans a sense of security, and the opportunity to reintegrate into the community at their own pace. Each home is pet-friendly and fully furnished with everything a Veteran needs, from new furniture to dish towels.
Specially trained case managers work one-on-one with each resident to achieve incremental, lasting results in the areas of health and wellness, education, employment, financial literacy, and the development of a personal support network. When the Veteran is ready, VCP provides support in finding a long-term housing solution, which may include market-rate rentals, homeownership, or subsidized housing. Not only does the Veteran take the entire contents of the tiny house with them, but they take the ongoing support of the Village as well.
Veterans housing Veterans, armed with the strength and support of the community.

Veterans Community Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2016 by a group of combat Veterans in Kansas City, Missouri. From left to right: Bryan Meyer (U.S. Marine Corps), Brandonn Mixon (U.S. Army), Vincent Morales (U.S. Army), and Mark Solomon (U.S. Navy).

"People like me don't have any hope. After coming here, I feel like there's a chance. I can dare to hope again."
- James, Army Veteran
our impact.
national expansion.
Using Kansas City as a blueprint, VCP has begun its work of serving at-risk and homeless Veterans across the United States starting with Longmont, Colorado; St. Louis, Missouri; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Because virtually every major city has homeless Veterans, need is just one of the factors we rely upon when selecting a new project site.
Our national expansion team works closely with each potential city to determine how VCP fits into their existing social services ecosystem. Our goal is not to replicate programs but to fill gaps, providing new resources to Veterans who are ineligible to receive assistance elsewhere.
Each new VCP campus is scaled according to the community’s needs and built within city limits, near essential services such as public transportation, the local VA hospital, and partner service agencies.
For information about bringing VCP to your community, please contact
An astounding 85% of Veterans in VCP Village successfully transition to sustainable, long-term housing of their own. Hundreds more have mitigated the threat of homelessness by utilizing VCP case management and emergency assistance funds through the VCP Outreach Center. Click the impact reports below to see our mission in action.